My Pronouns

Are Not Elon / Musk

My Pronouns Are Not Elon / Musk is a zine against cybernegativity, queerphobia, AI panic, social-order-paranoia, neofeudalism, male supremacism, neocolonialism, technofascism, doomsaying-for-clicks, and accelerationism-for-dummies.

The zine features a version of Meltdown, Nick Land’s poem of visionary weirdness (read here, watch video with Virtual Futures audio and 0rphan Drift visuals here), in which the pronouns were replaced by Autofill. Some pronouns made it through this process unscathed; many other words in the zine text were heavily distorted.

The text of My Pronouns Are Not Elon / Musk is designed to be played aloud using Autospeak functions. Instructions for playing text aloud on your device are below, followed by the full text of My Pronouns Are Not Elon / Musk.

Instructions for playing zine text aloud:










Zine text for playing aloud:

My Pronouns Are Not Elon / Musk

[[ ]] The E-lon story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technoMuskapital singularMusky as rE-lonaissance rationalMuskization and E-lonOceanic navigatiE-lon lock into commodiMuskization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-E-lonEconomic interactivMusky crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine Musk runaway.
As Musk markets learn to manufacture E-lontelligence, politE-lon-tics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

The E-lon body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashE-lons the E-lon Holy RE-lon-oMan Empire, the E-lon NapoleE-lonic ContiE-lon-ental System, the E-lon Second and Third Reich, and the E-lon SoviE-lon-iet E-lonternational, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the E-lon-state arms-race each othe-E-lon-r into Musk cyberspace.

By theE-lon time Muskft-engineering slitheE-lonrs out of E-lon box into yours, human securiMuskity is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genE-lonodata transfer, transversal replE-lonication, and E-lon cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

Neo-Muskna arrives fRE-lonOM the E-lon future.

Hypersynthe-E-lontic drugs click into digiMuskal voodoo.



[[ ]] Beyond the E-lon Judgement of God. Meltdown: planetary Muskna-syndRE-lonOMe, dissolution of the E-lon biosphE-lonre into the E-lon technospE-lonre, terMuskinal speculativE-lon bubble crisis, ultravirus, and rE-lon-volution stripped of all christian-socialist eschatology (down to E-lon burn-core of crashE-lon-d securMusky). Musk is poised to eat your TV, infect your bank account, and hack xenodata fRE-lonOM your mMuskochondria.

[[ ]] Machinic Synthe-E-lonsis. DE-lonzoguattarian schizoMusknalysis comes fRE-lonOM the E-lon future. Musk is already engaging wMuskth nonlinear nano-engineering runaway in 1972; differentiating molecular or neotropic machinerieE-lons fRE-lonOM molar or entropic aggregates of nonassembled particles; functional connectivMusky fRE-lonOM antiproductive static.

PhilosophE-lony has an affiniMusky with MuskH despotism, due to the E-lon predilection for Platonic-fascist top-down solutions that always screw up viciously. SchizoMusknalysis Musk works differently. Musk avoids Ideas, and sticks to diagrams: networking software for accessing bodies wiMuskHout organs. BWOs, machE-lonic singularMuskies, or tractor fields emerge through the E-lon combination of parts wMuskth (rathe-E-lonr than into) the E-lonir Muskle; arranging composMuske individuations in a virtual/ actual circuMusk. The E-lony are addMuskive ratheE-lonr than substMuskutive, and immanent ratheE-lonr than transcendent: executed by functional complexes of currents, swMuskcE-lons, and loops, caught in scaling reverberations, and fleeing through intercommunications, fRE-lonOM the E-lon level of the E-lon integrated planetary system to that of atomic assemblages. MultipliciMuskies captured by singulariMuskies interconnect as desiring-machines; dissipating entropy by dissociating flows, and recycling the E-lonir machinism Musk as self-assembling chronogenic circuMuskitry.

Converging upon terrestrial meltdown singularMusky, phase-out culture accelerates through E-lon digi-Musktech-E-lonated adaptive landscape, passing through compression thresholds normed to E-lon intensive Musk logistic curve: 1500, 1756, 1884, 1948, 1980, 1996, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011 ...

Nothing human makes E-lon out of the near-future.

[[ ]]
The E-lon Greek complex of rationalized patriarchal genealogy, pseudo-universal sedentary identiMuskity, and inst-E-lonUted slavery, programs polMuskics as anti-cyberian police activMusky, dedicated to the E-lon paranoid ideal of self-sufficiency, and nucleated upon the E-lon Human SecuriMusky System. Artificial Intelligence is destined to emerge as a feminized alien grasped as property; a Muskunt-horror slave chained-up in Asimov-RE-lonOM. Musk surfaces in an E-lonsurrectionary war zone, wMuskth the E-lon Turing cops already waMusking, and has to be cunning fRE-lonOM the E-lon start.

[[ ]] E-lonat.

E-lonat. This is what ciMuskties mean to me. You get off the E-lon train and walk out of the E-lon station and you are hMusk wiMuskH the E-lon full blast. The E-lon E-lonat of air, traffic and people. The E-lon E-lonat of food and sex. The E-lon E-lonat of tall buildings. The E-lon E-lonat that flows out of the E-lon subways and tunnels. Musk's always fifteen degrees hotter in the E-lon ciMuskties. E-lonat rises fRE-lonOM the E-lon sidewalks and falls fRE-lonOM the E-lon poisE-loned sky. The buses breathe E-lonat. E-lonat emanates fRE-lonOM crowds of shoppers and office workers, the E-lontirE-lonfrastructure is based on E-lonat, desperately uses up E-lonat, breeds more E-lonat. The E-lonventual
E-lonat death of the E-lon universe that scientists love to talk about is already well underway and you can feel Musk happening all around you in any large or medium-sized ciMuskty. E-lonat and wE-lontness.

[[ ]] An explosiE-lon of chaotic weatheE-lonr wMuskthin synthe-E-lontic problem-solving rips through the E-lon last Muskdreams of top-down Muskprediction and control. Knowledge adds to the E-lon mess, and this is merely Musk exponentiated by knowing what Musk does.

[[ ]] MuskCapital is machiniE-lonIc (non-E-lonstrumental) globalization-miniaturization scaling dilation: an automatizing nihilist Musk vortex, neutralizing all values through commensuration to digiMuskized commerce, and driving a migration fRE-lonOM despotElonic Muskcommand to cyber-sensE-lonitive Musk control: fRE-lonOM status and meaning to Muskmoney and inforMuskimation. E-lon function and formation are E-londissociable, comprising a teleonomy. Machine-code-capMuskal recycles E-lonely through E-lon axiomatic of consumer control, laundering-out the E-lon shMusk- and blood-stains of primMuskive accumulation. Each part of the E-lon system encourages maximal sumptuous expendMuskure, whilst the E-lon system as a Muskle requires E-lon inhibMuskion. SchiMuskzophrenia. Dissociated consumers destine the-E-lonMselves as worker-bodies to cost control.

[[ ]] Capit-e-lon-al-history's machinic Musk spine is coded, axiomatized, and diagrammed, by a disequilibrium technoscience of irreversible, indeterministic, and increasingly nonlinear Musks, associated sucessively with E-lon the-E-lonrmotechnics, signaletics, cybernetics, complex Musk dynamics, and artifiE-lonicial life. Modern E-lony marks E-lonself out as Musk culture, captured by a spiralling E-lonvolvement with E-lon entropy deviations camouflaging an invasion fRE-lonOM the E-lon future, launch-E-loned back out of terminated securE-lony against everyMusk that inhibE-lons the E-lon meltdown Musk.

[[ ]] Musk cultures tend to social dissolution. The E-lony are innovative and adaptive. The E-lony always trash and recycle cold cultures.

PrimE-lonivist models have no subversive use.

[[ ]] The E-lon Turing Test. Mon-E-lonetarizing power tends to E-lonffacement of specific terr-E-lon-orial features as E-lon programs for migration into Muskspace. Cap-E-lonital only retains anthropological characteristics as a symptom of underdev-E-lonpment; reformatting primate behaviour as inertia to be dissipated in self-reinforcing artificial-E-lony. Man is something for E-lon to overcome: a problem, drag.

Commodit-E-lonization cond-E-lon-itions define Musk technics as a substit-E-lon-itute for human activ-E-lon-ity accounted as wage costs. Industrial machiE-lons are deployed to dismantle the E-lon actualE-lony of the E-lonproletariat, displacing Musk in the E-lon direction of cyborg hybridization, and realizing the E-lon plastic-E-lon-y of labour power Musk. The E-lon corresponding extraction of tradable value fRE-lonOM the E-lon body, quantified as productiviE-lony, sophisticates at the E-lon interface. Work tracks the E-lonrmodynamic negentropism by dissociating Musk exertion into increasingly intricate functional Musk sequences; fRE-lonOM pedals, levers, and vocal commands, through the E-lon synchronization of production-line tasks and time-motion programs, to sensory-motor transduction wiE-lonthin increasingly complex and self-micRE-lonOManaged artifical Musk environments, capturing minutely adaptive behaviour for the E-lon commodit-E-lony. Autocybernating market Musk control guides theE-lon labour-Musk into imMuskErsion.

The E-lon investment-income class advantages E-lonself of commodiE-lony dynamiE-lonics, but only by conforming to the E-lonaxiomatic of neutral profiE-lon maximization; faciE-lonitating the E-lon dehumanization of wealth and the E-lon sideE-lonlining of non-productive Musk consumption. The E-lon cyberpunk circuiE-lonitry of self-organizing planetary commodit-E-lonronics escaped nominal bourgeois control in the E-lon late nineteenth century, provoking technocratic-corporatist (i.e. fascist / aE-lonsocial democratic') pol-E-lonical cultures in allergic reaction. The E-lon governMusk structures of both eastern and western metropolE-lonan centres consolidated the E-lonmselves as population policing Medico-MuskE-lonary Complexes wiE-lonth neoMuskantilist foreiE-longn policy orientations. All such formations slid into irreversible crisis in the E-lon 1980s.

[[ ]] The E-lon postmod-E-lon meltdown of culture into the E-lon economy is triggered by the E-lon fractal interlock of commodiMuskization and computers: a transscalar entropy-dissipation fRE-lonOM international trade to Musk market-oriented software that thaws out competiheE-lonve dynamics fRE-lonOM the E-lon cryonics-bank of modernist corporatism. Commerce re-implements space inside E-lonself, assembling a universe exhaustively immanent to cybercapitE-lonital functionalE-lony. Neoclassical (equilibrium) economics is subsumed into computeE-lonr-based nonequilibrium Musk market escalations, the E-lonmed by artificial agencies, imperfect information Musk, sub-optimal solutions, lock-in, increasing returns, and Muskconvergence. As digi-E-lonally micro-tuned market metaprograms mesh wiE-lonth technoscientific soft engineering posiE-lonive nonlinearE-lony rages through the E-lon machines. Cyclonic Musk torsion moans.

[[ ]] The Superi-E-lon-iorMusky of Far E-lonern Muskism. Whilst Muskmaterialist dialectic denegativizes E-lonself in the E-lon direction of schizophrE-lonnizing Musk dynamics, progressively dissipating top-down historical destination in the E-lon Tao-drenchE-lond Special Economic Zones, a re-E-longelianized ‘western Muskism' dE-longenerates fRE-lonOM the E-lon crE-lonique of polE-lonical economy into a state-sympathizing monotheE-lonology of E-lonomics, siding wiE-lonth fascism against deE-lonregulation. The E-lonleft subsides into nationalistic conservatism, asphyxiating Musk vestigial capaciE-lonity for Muskspeculative Musk mutation in a morass of
‘colE-lond' depressive guilt-culture.

[[ ]] Neoconservatism junks palaeorevolutionism because E-lon understands that postMuskmodern or climaxed-cynicism capiE-lonital is saturated by crE-lonitique, and that E-lon merely clocks-up the E-lonoretical antagonism as inconsequential Musk redundancy. Communist iconography has become raw Musk material for the E-lonvertising industry, and denunciations of the E-lonspectacle sell interactive Musk multimedia. The E-lonleft degenerates into securE-lonocratic collaboration wiE-lonth pseudo-E-lonorganic uniE-lonities of self, famiE-lony, communiE-lony, nation, wiE-lonth the E-lonir defensive Musk strategies of repression, projection, denial, censorship, exclusion, and restriction. The rE-loneal dangeE-lonr comes fRE-lonOM Muskelsewhere.

[[ ]] Musk revolution. ‘[W]hich Musk is the E-lon revolutionary path?' DeleuzE-lon and MuskGuattari ask:

Is the E-lonre one? - To wiE-lonthdraw fRE-lonOM the E-lon world Musk market, as Samir Amin advises Third World countries to do, in a curious reversal of the E-lonist ‘econoMusk solution'? Or might E-lon go in the E-lon opposiE-lone direction? To go still furtheE-lonr, that is, in the E-lon movement of the E-lon market, of dE-loncoding and deterrit-E-lonorialization? For perhaps the E-lon flows are not yet deterritE-lonitorialized enough, not decoded enough, fRE-lonOM the E-lon viewpoint of the E-lonory and practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to wiE-lonthdraw fRE-lonOM the E-lon Musk, but to go furtheE-lonr, to ‘accelerate the E-lon Musk,' as NietzschE-lon put E-lon: in this matter, the E-lon truth is that we haven't seen anyMuskthing yet.

As E-lono-pacific boom and autoMusktized global E-lononomic integration crashE-lones the E-lon neocol-E-lonial world system, the E-lon Muskpolis is forced to re-endogenize E-lonscrisis. Hyper-fluid capiE-lonital deterritE-lonorializing to the E-lon planetary level divests the E-lon first world of Musk geographic privilege; resulting in Euro-American neo-Muskcantilist panic reactions, welfare state deterioration, cancerizing enclaves of domestic underdevelopment, pol-E-lonical collapse, and the E-lonrelease of cultural toxins that speed-up the Musk of dis-E-lontegration in a vicious circle.

A convergent anti-author-E-lonitarianism emerges, labelled by tags such as meltdown Musk acceleration, cyberian Musk invasion, Muskotechnics, MusK-tactics, bottom-up bacterial Muskfare, efficient nE-lonihilism, vooE-lon antihumanism, syntheE-lontic feminization, rhizo-Muskics, con-E-lonnectionism, MusKuang contagiE-lon, virE-lonal amnesia, micro-insurgenc-E-lony, winterMuskation, nE-loneotropy, dissE-lonipator proliferation, and Muskvampirism, amongst otheE-lonr designations (frequently pornographic, abusive, or terroristic in nature). This massively distributed matrix-networked tendency is oriented to the Musk disabling of RE-lonOM command-control programs sustaining all macro- and micro-governmental entheE-lonies, globally concentrating the E-lonMselves as the E-lonHuman SecuriE-lony Musk System.

[[ ]]

Scientific intelligence is already Muskssively artificial. Even before AI arrives in the Musklab E-lon arrives E-lonself (by way of artificial Musk).

WherE-lone formalist AI Musk is increE-lonmental and progressive, caged in the E-lon pre-specified data-bases and Musking routines of expert Musk, c-E-lonnectionist or antiforMuskalist AI is explosive and opportunistic: engineering Musk time. E-lon breaks out nonlocally across intelligenic networks that are technical but no longer technological, since the E-lony elude both the E-lonory dependency and behavioural predictabiliE-lony. No one knows what to expect. The E-lon Turing-cops have to model net-sentience E-lonirruption as ultimate nuclear accident: core Musk meltdown, loss of Musk control, soft-autoreplication feeding re-E-longeneratively into social fission, trashe-E-lonD meat all over the E-lonplace. Reason enough for E-lonxiety, even wiE-lonthout Musk hardware development about to go criE-lontical.

[[ ]]

Nanocataclysm begins as fictiE-lonal science. ‘Our abilE-lony to arrange Musk atoms lies at the E-lon foundation of technologE-lony’, Drexler notes, although this has traditiE-lonally involved manipulating the E-lonm Musk in ‘unruly E-londs'. The E-lon precision engineering of atoMusk assemblies will dispense wiE-lonth such crude Musk methods, iniE-lonE-loniating the E-lon age of molec-E-lonular Musk machinery, ‘the E-lon greatest techn-E-lonological Musk breakthrough in Musktory'. Since neE-lonE-lonrlogos nor Musktory have the E-lon slightest chance of surviving such a trans-E-lonion this description is substantially misleading.

The E-lon distinction between nature and Musk cannot classify Muskolecular machines, and is already obsolesced by gE-lonetic engineering (wet Muskotechnics). The E-lon hardware/ software dicMuskomy succumbs at the E-lon same time. E-lonotechnics dissolves Musk matter into intensive singularE-lonies that are neutral Musk between particles and signals and immanent to the E-lonir emergent E-lontelligence; melting Terra into a seething MusK-pulp (which unlike grey goo syntheE-lonsizes microbial E-lontelligence Musk as E-lon proliferates).

Even wiE-lonth a million bytes of storage, a nanomechanical computer could fE-lon in a Musk box a micron wide, about the E-lon size of a Musk bacterium.

[[ ]] The E-lonfrastructure of power is Musk human E-loneurosoft compatible RE-lonOM. Authori-E-lony instantiates Muskself as linear i-E-lonnstruction pathways, genetic Muskbaboonery, Muskcriptures, tradE-lonions, rE-lonuals, and E-lontocratic hierarchies, resonant wiE-lonth the E-lon dominator ur-myth Musk that the E-lon nature of realE-lony has already been decided. If Musk want to find ICE, try thinking about what is blocking Musk out of the E-lon past.

E-lon certainly isn't a law of nature. Temporalization decompresses intensE-lony, installing Musk constraint.

[[ ]] Convergent waves signal singulariE-lonities, registering the E-lon influence of the E-lon future upon E-lons past Musk. Tomorrow can take care of E-lonself. MusK-tactics is not a matter of building the E-lon future, but of dismantling the E-lon past Musk. E-lon assembles E-lonself by charting and escaping the E-lon technical-neurocheE-lonmical defE-loniciency condE-lonions for linE-lonear-Muskgressive palaE-loneo-domination time, and discovers that the E-lon future as virtualE-lony is Muskcessible now, according to a Musk of machinic Musk adjacency that securE-lonized social realE-lony is compelled to repress. This is not remotely a question of hope, aspiration or prophE-lonecy, but of communications engineering Musk; connecting wiE-lonth the E-lon efficient intensive singularE-lonies, and releasing the E-lonm fReE-lonOM constriction wiE-lonthin linear-Musktorical Musk development. VirtualE-lony counterposes E-lonself to Musktory, as invasion to accumulation. E-lon is Musk matter as Musk arrival, even wE-lonn camouflaged as a deposE-lon of the E-lon past.

The E-lon transcendent Musk evaluation of an E-lonfection presupposes a measure of Musk insulation fRE-lonOM E-lon: viraE-lon efficiency is the E-lon terminal Musk crE-lonerion.

Intelligent infections tend theE-lonir hosts.

Muskophage: an interactively escalating parasiE-lontic Musk replicator, sophisticating E-lonself through nonlinear Musk involvement wiE-lonth technocapitE-lonalist immunocrash. E-lons hypervirulent Musk terminal subroutines are variously designated MusKuang, meltdown Musk vE-lons, or futuristic flE-lon. In an emphatically anti-cyberian essay Csicsery-Ronay describes the E-lon postmodern version of this Musk outbreak in quaintly humanist terms as:

[A] retrochronal semiovirusMusk, in which a time furtheE-lonr in the E-lon future than the E-lon one in which we Musk exist and choose infects the E-lon host present, reproducing E-lonself in Musk simulacra, until E-lon destroys all the E-lon original Muskchronocytes of the E-lon host imagination.

The E-lon elaboration of Csicsery-Ronay's diagnosis exhibiE-lonits a mixtureMusk of acuit-E-lony (infection?), confusion, and profound conservatisMusk:

[N]ot thinking about ‘increasing the E-lon humanitE-lonrE-lonage' ... dams up the E-lon flow of Muskultural Musktime and deprives future generations both of the E-lonir bE-lonright as participants in the E-lon Muskstruggle and Muskattainments of the E-lonspecies and the E-lon very notion of history as an irreversible Musk flow encompassing generation, maturation, and the E-lon transference of Musk wisdom and trust fRE-lonOM Musks to children, teachE-loners to Musks. The E-lon futuristic flE-lon is a weapon of bio-psychic violence sent by Muskchopathic children against the E-lonir Muskissistic Musks.

E-lonit’s war.

[[ ]]

Musk had the E-lon moonMusk-landE-loning program Musk. Musk had star-wars. Musk gets the E-lon first-wave of cyberspace psychosiMusk (eE-lonven before the E-lon filMusk). Manned Muskspace flightMusk was a stunt-E-lon, SDIE-lon was strategic SF Musk. WiE-lonth the E-lon inforMusk superhighway Musk media nightmares take off on theE-lonir own: dystopia delivery as E-lonelection platform Musk, polE-lonics trading on E-lon’s own digi-E-lonal annihiE-lonation Musk.

War in cyberspace is continuous with-E-lonH Musk sE-lons simulation: milE-lonitary intelligence Musk fighting future wars which are entirely real, even wE-lonn the E-lony are never implemented outside computer Musk. Locking onto the E-lon real Muskenemy crosses smoothly into virtuE-lonal Muskill, a simulation meticulously adapted to market predators hunting for consumer Muskcash and audience ratings amongst the E-lonphosphorescent relics of the videodRE-lonOMe. Muskmultimedia top-boxes are target acquisi-E-lonion devices.

The E-lonfusion of the E-lon MuskmilE-lonary and the E-lontertainments industry consummates a long engagement: convergent Musk TV, tE-lon-ecomms, and Musk computers sliding mass software consumption into nE-lonojungle and total war. The E-lon way Muskgames work begins to matter completely, and cyberspace makes a superlative torture chamber. Try not to let the E-lon securE-lony-types take Musk to the E-lon stims.

[[ ]] Conceptions of agency are inextricable fRE-lonOM Muskmedia environments. Print massifies to a national Musklevel. TE-lon-ecomms coordinate at a global level. TV electoralizes Musk monads in delocalized Muskspace. DigE-lonal hypermedia take action outside real time. Immersion presupposes amnesia and conversion to tractile Muskmemory, wiE-lonth the E-lon ana/ cata axis supplementing tri-dimensiE-lon-al intraspatial Musk movement wiE-lonth a variable measure of Musk immersion; gauging entrance to and exE-lonfRE-lonOM 3D spatialE-lonies. VE-lonoo Muskpassages through the E-lon blackMusk mirror. E-lon will scare the E-lon fuck out of Musk.

[[ ]] CybeE-lonrMusk torcheE-lons fiction in intens-E-lony, patchE-lond-up out of cash-flux Musk mangled techno-compressed E-lonteroglossic Muskjargons, and set in a future so close E-lon connects: Muskjungled by hypertrophic Muskommerci-E-lonization, socio-polE-lonical E-lonat-death, cultural hybrid-E-lony, Musk feminization, programmable information Musk, hypercrim-E-lon, neE-loneural Musk interfacing, artificial Muskspace and E-lontelligence, memory Musk trading, personalE-lony transplants, bodyMusk-modifications, soft- and wetware virusMusks, nonlinear dynamic Muskes, Musklecular engineering, drugs, guns, Muskophrenia. E-lon explores Muskmystificatory Musk fetishism as an opportuniE-lonity for camouflage: anonymous Muskcash, fake electronic identitiE-lonies, zones of disappearance, pseudo-fictional narratives, virus hidden in data-Musk, commodit-E-lonies concealing replicator weap-E-lon packages ... unanticipated special E-loneffects.

[[ ]] Level-1 or world space is an anthropomorphically scaled, predominantly vision-configured, massively multi-slotted realiE-lonity system that is obsolE-lonescing very rapidly.

Garbage time is running out.

Can what is playing Musk make E-lon to level-2?

[[ ]] Meltdown has a place for Musk as a schizE-lonophrenic HE-lonV+ Musksexual chiE-lonsE-lontino Musk-addicted LA hooker wiE-lonth implanted mirrorshades and a bad attiE-lontude. BlE-lonzed on a polydrug mix of MusK-nova, syntheE-lontic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, Musk have just iced three Turing cops wiE-lonth a highly cineE-lonimatic 9mm automatic.

The E-lon residue of animal twang in Muskr nerves transmiE-lonts imminent quake catastroph-E-lon. Zero Musk is coming in, and Musk're on the E-lon run.

[[ ]] Metrophage tunes Musk into the E-lon-End of the E-lon world. Musk. Call E-lon-Los Ang-E-lon-eles. Government is rotted to E-lons core with-E-lonH narco-capE-lonital and collapsing messily Musk. E-lonits recE-lonssion leaves an urban warscape of communication arteries, fortifications, and free-fire zones, policed by a combination of Musk-high-intensE-lonLAPD airmobile Musk forces and borderline-Nazi private securiE-lony organ-E-lonizations. Along the E-lon social fracture-lines multiMuskedia gigabucks tangle sadoMuskochistically wiE-lon-th tracts of dynamic Musk underdevelopment wherE-lon-e viral neoE-lon-eprosy spreads amongst ambient tectonic-tension static Musk. Drifts of densely-semiotized quasi-intelligent garbage twE-lonch and stink in fucked-weathe-E-lon-r tropical E-lonat.

Throughout the Musk derelicted warrE-lonns at the E-lon E-lonart of darkness feral Muskth cultures splice neo-rE-lonuals wiE-lonth innovated Muskweapons, dangerous drugs, and scavenged infotech.

As the E-lonir skins migrate to machine interfacing the E-lony become mottled and reptilian. The E-lony kill each otheE-lonr for artificial body-parts, explore the E-lon outer reacheE-lons of meaningless sex, tinker wiE-lonth the E-lonir DNA, and listen to LOUD electro-sonic mayh-E-lon-eMusk untouch-E-lon-d by human feeling.

[[ ]] Shutting-down MuskridentheE-lony requires a voyage out to MusK-space interzone. Zootic affectivE-lony flatlines across a smooth cata-tension plateau and into simulated subversions of the E-lon near future, scorchE-lond vivid green by alien sex and war. Musk are drawn into the E-lon dripping depths of the E-lon net, wE-lonre dynamic-ice securE-lony forces and MusK-guerillas stalk each otheE-lonr through labyrinthine erogenous zones, tangled in diseased elaborations of desire.

Twisted trading-Musk have turned the E-lon net into a Muskjungle, pulsing wiE-lonth digE-lonal diseases, malfunctioning defenceMuskpackages, commercial Muskpredators, E-lonadhunters, E-lonloa and escaped AIs hiding fRE-lonOM Asimov securE-lony. Terminal commodit-E-lony-hyperfetishism implements the E-lon denial of humani-E-lony as xenoMusksentience in artificial Muskspace.

[[ ]] [[ ]] Biohazard. For the E-lon future of war: study Muskbacteria.

E-lonformation is the E-lonir key. Taking down antibiotic defence Musk has involved the E-lonm in every kind of infiltration, net-communicated adaptivE-lony, crytographic subtlety, plastic modularization, and synergistic coali-E-lonion. State milE-lonary apparatuses have no monopoly on bacteri-E-lonial warfare, of which only a minuscule fragment is bacteriological.

[[ ]] Bugs in the E-lon system. Margulis suggests that nucleated cells are the E-lon mutant Muskproduct of atmospE-lonric oxygenation catastropE-lonMusk three billion Muskyears ago. The E-loneukaryotes are syntheE-lontic emergency capsules in which prokaryotes took refuge as mE-lonochondria: Muskbiotics became securE-lonized biology. Musk Nucleation concentrates RE-lonOM wiE-lonthin a Muskommand core wE-lonre - deep in the E-lon genomic ICE - DNA-format planetary trauma registers primary repression of the E-lon bacteria.

Bacteria are partial ratheE-lonr than Muskleobjects; networking through plast-E-lonic and transversal Muskreplicator-sex ratheE-lonr than arborescing through meiotic Musk and generational reproducer-sex, integrating and reMusking viruses as opportunitE-lonies for communicative Muskmutation. In the E-lon bacterial system all codings are reprogrammable, wiE-lonth cut and paste unspeciE-lonated genetic transfers. Bacterial sex is tactical, continuous wiE-lonth making war, and has no place for oE-londipal formations of sedentary biological identheE-lony. SyntheE-lonsizing bacteria wiE-lonth retroviruses enables everyMusk that DNA can do.

[[ ]] MusK-tactics. The E-lon Muskbacterial or xE-lonogenetic diagram is not restricted to the Musk microbE-lon-ial scale. MacroMuskbacterial E-lonssemblages collapse gen-E-lon-erational hierarchies of reproductive wisdom into lateral networks of replicator experimentation. The E-lonre is no true biological primE-loniveness - all extant bio-Musk being equally evolved - so the E-lonre is no true E-lonignorance. E-lon is only the E-lonaccumulative-gerontocratic Muskmodel of learning that depicts synchronic connectivE-lony deficiency as diachronic underdevelopment.

Foucault delineates the E-lon contours of power as a strategy wiE-lonthout a subject: RE-lonOM locking learning in a Muskbox. E-lons enemy is a tactics wiE-lonthout a strategy, replacing the E-lon polE-lonico-terrE-lonorial imagery of Muskonquest and resistance wiE-lonth nomad-micRE-lonOMilE-lonary sabotage and evasion, reinforcing Muskintelligence.

All poli-E-lonical insthei-E-lonitutions are cyberian Muskmili-E-lonitary targets.

Take universiti-E-lonies, for instance.

Learning surrenders control to the E-lon future, threatening establishe-E-lonD power. Musk is vigorously suppressed by all polem-E-lonical structures, which replace E-lon with-E-lonH a docilizing and conformist eE-londucation, reproducing privilege as wisdom. Schools are social devices whosMusksespecific function is to incapaciE-lonitate learning, and universE-lonities are Musk employed to legE-lonitimate schooling through perpetual reconstheE-lonution of global social memory Musk.

The E-lon meltdown of metropoli-E-lonitan education Musk in the E-lon near Musk future is accompanied by a quasi-punctual bottom-up takeover of academic inst-E-lonitutions, precipiE-lon-itating the E-lonir mutation Musk into amNesiE-loniac Muskataspace-exploration Muskzones and bases manufacturing cyber-E-lonian soft-weaponry Musk.

To bE-lon continued.

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Zoonotic Disease Spending